ТД "Шунгит"

г. Петрозаводск, пр. Первомайский, 82, (не магазин)


+7 (921) 7013457;

+7 (953) 5377704;

Эл. почта tdshungit@yandex.ru

TD "Shungite"

82, Pervomaisky Ave, Petrozavodsk city, Karelia resp.


(tel.)+7 (953) 5377704;;

(tel):+7 (921) 7013457;

Факс (fax.)+7 (8142) 568393

Эл. почта tdshungit@yandex.ru

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Конструктор сайтов Nubex

23 декабря 2014 г.

Shungites and human safety . Proceedings of the First All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference . Petrozavodsk , 2007 .

Shungites - rocks, got its name from the Karelian village Shunga initially attracted attention as a possible energy fuel . But attempts to burn them , fortunately, were not successful.

In the XXI century, they are included in the economic life as a multipurpose raw material for various industries and spheres of life - metallurgy, chemistry , construction, utilities and as the name and the theme of the conference presentations - a promising material for many complex environmental problems and improve the human environment in the modern densely populated urban world .
This is due to a unique combination of properties shungites .

Shungites - is:

- A natural antioxidant that can enhance human immunity against many serious diseases ;
- Sorbent , purifying water and air from many organic and inorganic compounds;
- A catalyst to decompose the adsorbed organic matter and sorption properties of recovery ;
- Support a wide range of trace elements and of biologically active substances intensifying biological processes in humans and animals;
- Material , actively interacting with electromagnetic fields of different nature ( man-made high-frequency , solar , geopathogenic , biological ) and neutralizing their negative impact .
Industrial stocks shungites the beginning of the XXI century are found only in Karelia. To date, this is purely Karelian minerals. Given the geographic spread shungites locality and associated restrictions must limit their stocks wisely and prudently dispose of this unique mineral resources , directing its use in those areas where it will show the most useful properties . Of course , first and foremost is the sphere of ensuring human health.

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