ТД "Шунгит"

г. Петрозаводск, пр. Первомайский, 82, (не магазин)


+7 (921) 7013457;

+7 (953) 5377704;

Эл. почта tdshungit@yandex.ru

TD "Shungite"

82, Pervomaisky Ave, Petrozavodsk city, Karelia resp.


(tel.)+7 (953) 5377704;;

(tel):+7 (921) 7013457;

Факс (fax.)+7 (8142) 568393

Эл. почта tdshungit@yandex.ru

Мы рекомендуем!

Конструктор сайтов Nubex

Пояса, коврики, наколенники, налокотники
Carpet, belt, kneepads

Shungite carpet and belt used to balance the energy field in the applied zones. They are filled with small Shungite stones.
It is recommended to apply at an osteochondrosis and a radiculitis, a cholecystitis and at cardiovascular diseases. Effectively to use at barreness and sexual frustration, at diseases of a gastroenteric path, at allergic diseases, a hemorrhoids and many other diseases
Shungite carpet and belt put on the necessary place of the person’s body for 20-40 minutes several times per day. A carpet can be placed on a chair or a autoseat.
They are completely harmless and does not cause accustoming, but for people with sharp intimate diseases (a heart attack, a stenocardia) transferred an insult, suffering a hypertension of a high degree, sharp infectious diseases and to pregnant women on late terms before application it is necessary to consult with your physician.
The note: Please wash only a replaceable pillowcase, don't use with light or white clothing.

Shungite carpet and belt render highly effective medical influence on an organism of the person.

740 руб.
870 руб.
1 320 руб.
1 320 руб.
1 450 руб.
3 300 руб.

Существует гибкая система скидок. 

  • от 25 000 до 50 000 руб.   Скидка- 5%
  • от 50 000 до 100 000 руб. Скидка- 10% 
  • от 100 000 руб.                     Скидка- 15%  

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