ТД "Шунгит"

г. Петрозаводск, пр. Первомайский, 82, (не магазин)


+7 (921) 7013457;

+7 (953) 5377704;

Эл. почта tdshungit@yandex.ru

TD "Shungite"

82, Pervomaisky Ave, Petrozavodsk city, Karelia resp.


(tel.)+7 (953) 5377704;;

(tel):+7 (921) 7013457;

Факс (fax.)+7 (8142) 568393

Эл. почта tdshungit@yandex.ru

Мы рекомендуем!

Конструктор сайтов Nubex

Шар 150 мм

10 625 руб.

Размер: 150 мм

Вес: 4900 гр

В стоимость входит шунгитовая или латунная подставка, по желанию заказчика. Шунгитовая подставка в комплекте - по умолчанию.


The balls from shungite will help you:
· to get rid of overstrain;
· to develop coordination;
· to concentrate attention;
· to tonicize your body;
· and the important thing is that they are beautiful.

Exercises with them improve circulation of blood, normalize blood pressure, eliminate spasms and cramps of hand muscles, trembling of hands, joint stiffness.
Regular exercises with the balls preserve the high level of memory and mental abilities for a long time, help to cope with tiredness and avoid unnecessary anxiety. The balls are also attractive because of the possibility to exercise with them at any time and anywhere, which is the evident benefit of the exercises regardless of age, sex and state of health.
From the point of view of the modern medicine the positive effect of the balls can be easily explained by the closest connection existing between hands and central nervous system. More than that, according to the notion of the traditional Chinese medicine, there are active spots on fingers and palms, the pressure on which has beneficial effect on heart, vascular and digestive system. The modern medicine also admits the presence of reflexogenic zones connected with the internal and influencing their functioning on the palms. According to their effectiveness the balls can be considered one of the best means of maintaining high performance efficiency and active longevity.

Application Guidelines:

Healing purposes:

• Overstrain and stress removal;
• Development of coordination of movements, strength and sleight of hands;
• Stimulation of memory and attention;
• Normalization of blood pressure;
• Maintenance of the high level of vitality.
It is especially recommended to those people, whose professional activity is connected with frequent stressful situations (business, executive positions, working with people) and overstrain of attention and memory (programming, working with computer, dispatchers, drivers of all modes of transport, students, pupils, etc.).

Preventive purposes:

• Constant overload of hands (various kinds of handicraft , typewriting, playing musical instruments, going in for sports, housekeeping etc.).
• The exercises will help women to maintain the beauty, youth and sleight of their hands for a long time.

Medical purposes:

• For hand illnesses (arthritis, rheumatism, etc. Consult a physician before taking, do not take during exacerbation period)
• For people who had injuries of upper extremities, suffer from hands movement disorders regardless of the their causes, and also for those who walk with a cane or on crutches, and for motionless patients).


1. It is not necessary to perform masterly tricks for sanitary training; the simplest exercise will be useful: rubbing the balls between palms, rotating two balls on a palm, clockwise and anticlockwise.
2. It is necessary to maintain regularity in training and gradual increase of load.
3. It is advisable to keep on exercising not less than 10 minutes a day.
4. Try not to look at the balls, pay attention to the sensation in your hands.


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